About ICA
About ICA
ICA, the Interarab Cambist Association, was established in Paris, France, in 1972
as a non-profit professional association. It has 14 affiliated countries from North
Africa and the Middle East. Our members, both Arab and non-Arab, work in
regional and international banks and financial institutions, specializing in
financial trading and sales of FX, interest rate products, equities, commodities,
and more.
Under decree 1220/D 77 on June 4th, 2003, ICA became a member of The
Council for Arab Economic Unity, a body organization of The Arab League.
The annual ICA Conference & Exhibition attracts over 500 senior treasury
managers, managing directors, investment bankers, risk management and asset
wealth management directors, chief economists, chief strategists, and dealers
from international banks and institutions worldwide. They benefit from
professional expertise exchange and network development.